duminică, 8 decembrie 2013

Video Games genres V

Games have evolved from the principles of strategic games in which players perform moves by rotation, for example Command & Conquer, Total War.

RTS (Real Time Strategy)

Indicates that the action in the game is continuous, and players will have to make their decisions and actions in the context of a state game in a changing enviroment.You have to get resources, build bases, technologies to research and produce units.Example: Warcraft Series, Age of Empires, Dune

II,Dawn of War, Command and Conquer.

Real Time Tactics
This game has the feature of an action,wargame and simulation game, for example, the battle system (though not the entire game). Example: Total War Series

Tower Defense
These games have a simple layout .The player has to "build" towers to defend his territory from enemies(computer monsters).You can poison enemies or  slow them down ;it depends on the game.The more  you kill, you get money with which you can build more towers.Example: Bloons Tower Defense.


Turn based strategy
The player is allowed to a period of analysis before committing any action, some games allowing a certain number of movements or actions  in a turn.Example: Combat Mission, Heroes

War games

WarGames is a subgenre of real-time strategy games that emphasize strategic or tactical warfare on a map. WarGames, in general, depending on the tower game is based, or in real timethe concentration of the game is in the strategy or tactics.Example:1944 Warfare.

                                                        Hybrid Games
It is important to recognize that many games are not limited to one genre. Some types are a mixture of two or more genres. In fact, as the game progresses, we see the blurred lines between genres more often than not. The introduction of 3D games like action / adventure has increased dramatically. It is basically a catch-all category that includes real-time 3D games and battle with puzzle solving in a fairly coherent story. Many of these games are also first-person-shooter. Some are 3D platform titles. Most securities qualify as horror survival and Action / Adventure games too. Another example of a hybrid Myst. It is both an adventure game and a puzzle game.

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